Deň 1: September 22, 2021
Deň 2: September 23, 2021
Deň 3: September 24, 2021

Deň 1 – STREDA, SEPTEMBER 22, 2021
8:00 – 8:45
in-person and on-line
8:45 – 9:00
Ceremonial Hall + on-line
Doc. Mgr. Martin Schmidt, PhD.
(Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica)
PhDr. Blanka Snopková, PhD.
(Director of the State Scientific Library in Banská Bystrica)
Mgr. Emília Andrejová
(Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia)
Doc. PhDr. Martin Djovčoš, PhD.
(Faculty of Arts, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica)
LIVE STREAM – Welcome and Opening Remarks & Keynote – Translation, Interpreting, Culture Workshop
9:00 – 10:15
Ceremonial Hall + on-line
Jan Pedersen: Rehumanising Subtitling – Why humans make better subtitles than machines
Chair: Emília Perez
10:15 – 10:30
10:30 – 12:00
#Translating Europe: TIC: Human Factor in Translation Technology | |
The Human Factor in Machine Translation and Post-editing 1 Chair: Emília Andrejová (Ceremonial Hall + on-line) |
Sociology of Translation and Interpreting 1 Chair: Mária Koscelníková (Information and Scientific Centre + on-line) |
Francois Thunus: Machine Translation at the European Commission (Representative of European Commission) |
Danielle Hunt: „The work is you“: A phenomenological study on the professional identity development of American Sign Language-English interpreters |
Balazs Kis: Human Factor in Developing CAT Software (Co-CEO, co-Founder, executive board member of memoQ) |
Karolina Siwek: Who was a literary translator in the nineteenth-century Poland? |
Leonid Chernovaty: Technohumanism and Translator/Interpreter Training |
Josefína Zubáková and Martina Pálušová: Focus on the Translator: Using Mixed Methods in Theatre Translation Research |
LIVE STREAM – The Human Factor in Machine Translation and Post-editing 1 – Translation, Interpreting, Culture Workshop
12:00 – 13:00
13:00 – 14:00
The Human Factor in machine translation and post-editing 2 Chair: Marianna Bachledová (Ceremonial Hall + on-line) |
Sociology of Translation and Interpreting 2 Chair: Ivana Hostová (Information and Scientific Centre + on-line) |
Magdaléna Bilá and Ingridda Vaňková: „If I only were human!“ – said a CAT tool | Maho Fukuno: Humanising translation practice: A proposal for a virtue-based, pluralist approach to translator ethics |
Marketa Štefková and Ivo Poláček: Encrochat in machine translation: A Case Study of Working with Machine Translation in Criminal Proceedings. |
Büşra Yaman: Preliminary Thoughts on Pseudonymity in Translated Children’s Literature: The Case of Turkey |
Marián Kabát: Machine Translation in Video Game Localization from English into Slovak: Where Are the Limits?(!) |
Arben Shala: Police Language Assistants, the Little Hinges That Swing Big Doors (or Not) |
LIVE STREAM – The Human Factor in Machine Translation and Post-editing 2 – Translation, Interpreting, Culture Workshop
14:00 – 14:15
14:15 – 15:45
Ceremonial Hall + on-line
Human Factor and Ethics in Machine and CAT Translation
Chair: Emília Andrejová
Balazs Kis, Joss Moorkens, Matej Vlačiha, Rado Tihlárik
LIVE STREAM – Round Table Discussion- – Translation, Interpreting, Culture Workshop
16:00 – 17:00
Ethics and Technology in the Translation Industry
Joss Moorkens
LIVE STREAM – Translation, Interpreting, Culture Workshop
Deň 2 – Štvrtok, September 23, 2021
LIVE STREAM – Ceremonial Hall
9:30 - 10:45
Ceremonial Hall + on-line
Keynote Speech
Susan Bassnett: The Translational Imagination
Chair: Ivana Hostová
10:45 - 11:00
Coffee break
11:00 - 13:00
Translators‘ Agency in History Chair: Oleksandr Kalnychenko (Ceremonial Hall + on-line) |
Translation and Translators‘ Histories Chair: Marianna Bachledová (Information and Scientific Centre + on-line) |
Travelling Texts: Translators as Navigators Chair: Emília Perez (Language Centre + on-line) |
Anita Kłos and Mariola Wilczak: Emotion, Collaboration and Agency in Translation History. Julia Dickstein-Wieleżyńska and Raffaele Pettazzoni |
Lada Kolomiyets: Lost in Relayed Translation: A Comparative Study of Indirect Literary Translations Under and After Communism in Ukraine |
Husam Haj Omar: Ideology in the translation of political discourse during the Syrian Conflict |
Krappmann Marie: What Can Paratexts Teach us about Translating Yiddish Literature into Czech? | ||
Rafael Y. Schögler: The Strength of Weak Ties: Exploring the Entanglements of Translators of Scholarly Books | Michaela Rudolfová: Politeness and Cultural Changes in Translation Across Centuries: Robinson Crusoe and his Relationships | |
Martin Kubuš: On the adaptation of the Book of Judith by Aelfric the Grammarian | Matej Laš: Literary Magazine Elán Case Study in Slovak Microhistory of Translation | Mary Wardle: Translating the Body: Embodiment and Dance Notation |
13:00 - 14:00
Lunch break
14:00 - 15:15
Ceremonial Hall + on-line
Keynote Speech
Lawrence Venuti: On a Universal Tendency to Debase Retranslations; or, The Instrumentalism of a Translation Fixation
Chair: Martin Djovčoš
15:15 - 15:30
Coffe break
15:30 - 16:45
Ceremonial Hall + on-line
Round table discussion
Translation and Creativity in the 21st Century
Chair: Ivana Hostová
Susan Bassnett, Lawrence Venuti, Jan Pedersen
Deň 3 – Piatok, September 24, 2021
LIVE STREAM – Ceremonial Hall
8:30 - 9:45
Ceremonial Hall + on-line
Keynote Speech
Nadja Grbić: “The rigid, the fuzzy, and the flexible” Perceptions of the interpreter (not only) in the digital age
Chair: Pavol Šveda
9:45 - 10:00
Coffee break
10:00 - 12:00
Current Issues in Interpreting Studies Chair: Ivana Čeňková (Ceremonial Hall + on-line) |
Teaching Translators and Interpreters Chair: Emília Perez (Information and Scientific Centre + on-line) |
Community interpreting and Translation Chair: Markéta Štefková (Language Centre + on-line) |
Mária Bakti: Shifts of Grammatical Cohesion in Consecutively Interpreted Target Language Texts: Results of a Longitudinal Study | Oleksandr Kalnychenko and Natalia Kalnychenko: Teaching Translation: First University Courses in Translation Theory of the Early 1930s | Anne Beinchet: Humanizing Translation Training Programmes : Implementing a Community Translation in a Canadian University | |
Miroslava Melicherčíková: Consecutive and/or Simultaneous Interpreting: An Empirical Study |
Klaudia Bednárová Gibová: You´ve Got Me Feeling Emotions: Emotional Competence in Translation Trainees and Its Impact on Translation Quality: a New Affective Perspective |
Diana Jacková and Zuzana Bohušová: Community Interpreting and Cultural Mediation Among Students – Significance of Erasmus Buddy for Students on Mobility | |
Jaroslav Stahl: Impact of Interpreter Absence in Business and Cross Border Cooperation Project Interpreting |
Nora Gattiglia: Disruptive Emotions in the Interpreting Classroom: The Empowerment of Interpreting Students Through Dialogic Self-Narration |
Balounová Zuzana: Regional Varieties of Spanish in the Context of Czech/Spanish Community Interpreting |
Soňa Hodáková: Motivational Intensity and Orientation as a Predictor of Quality of Student Interpreting Performance |
12:00 - 13:00
Lunch break
13:00 - 14:45
Ceremonial Hall + on-line
Round table discussion
The interpreting profession in post-pandemic age: how lasting is the loss of direct interpersonal communication and the onset of internet-mediated interpreting
Chair: Pavol Šveda
Ivana Čeňková, Nadja Grbić, Ildikó Horváth, Markéta Štefková
14:15 - 14:30
Coffe break
14:30 - 15:45
Ceremonial Hall + on-line
Round table discussion
Interpreters in a digital landscape: new norms, standards and the possibilities of defining them
Chair: Pavol Šveda
Jonathan Downie, Raquel Lázaro-Gutiérrez
14:30 - 15:45
Audio Description: If Your Eyes Could Speak
Joel Snyder