Ivana Čeňková
Professor at the Institute of Translation Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. Head of the MA study programme in Interpreting. Course Leader of the European Masters in Conference Interpreting (EMCI) module. Graduate of the Institute of Translation Studies, Charles University, with Czech, French and Russian (1978), PhDr. (1980, Prague) and CSc/PhD. (1986, Prague) both in theory of interpreting. Habilitation in Translation Studies in 1993. Professor in the same academic field in 2008. Regularly cooperates with Czech non-profit organizations and trains their community interpreters and intercultural workers.

Practicing conference interpreter since 1979. Conference interpreter (EU accreditation – in 1993) and local coordinator of interpreting training for the European Commission, DG SCIC, temporary contract (2003-2005).
Author of numerous articles and publications on conference and community interpreting (theory, practice, didactics, reviews, reports) mostly in Czech, Russian, French and recently also in English.
President of the EMCI Consortium (III/2013-IX/2016). Member of the EMCI Consortium Governing Board (X/2016-IX/2022), actually member of the EMCI Consortium Research and Innovation Committee and of the Projects committee.
Member of ASKOT (Czech Association of Conference Interpreters), EST (European Society of Translation Studies), JTP (Union of Interpreters and Translators), Gallica (Association of Teachers of French language in Czech Republic), Jazykovědné sdružení (Association of Czech linguists).
Chevalier de l’Ordre des Palmes académiques (2004) and in April 2024 she received at ESIT the Danica Seleskovitch Award 2023.
For more information about her publications and academic career see: https://utrl.ff.cuni.cz/cs/ustavkatedra/lide/zamestnanci/prof-phdr-ivana-cenkova-csc/
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