Luc van Doorslaer

Luc van Doorslaer is Full Professor of Translation Studies at the University of Tartu (Estonia), the former President of CETRA (2014-18), the Center for Translation Studies at KU Leuven (Belgium), and Professor Extraordinary at Stellenbosch University (South Africa). Since 2016, he is Vice President of EST, the European Society for Translation Studies. He is journal editor of ‘Translation in Society’ as well as co-editor of the ‘Translation Studies Bibliography’ and the five volumes of the ‘Handbook of Translation Studies’ (John Benjamins). 

He has published widely in the field of translation studies, mainly on his research interests journalism and translation, sociology of translation, imagology and translation, and the institutionalization of translation studies. His most recent book is entitled The Situatedness of Translation Studies. Temporal and Geographical Dynamics of Theorization (Brill, 2021).
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Our Sponsors

If you’re interested in sponsoring TIC 2025, please contact us for more information. We’re on hand to create a package that meets your needs, so do not hesitate to get in touch at:

The conference is a partial output of the following grants:

VEGA 2/0092/23 Translation and Translating as a Part of the Slovak Cultural Space History and Present. Transformations of Form, Status and Functions: Texts, Personages, Institutions.

VEGA 1/0214/24 Obraz prekladateľov a tlmočníkov v spoločnosti/The image of translators and interpreters in society.

APVV-23-0539 Príprava prekladateľov a tlmočníkov na budúcnosť: Zriadenie znalostnej platformy pre poskytovateľov jazykových služieb na Slovensku/Future-Proofing Translators and Interpreters: Establishing a Knowledge Platform for Language Professionals in Slovakia.

VEGA 1/0113/23 Špecifiká lokalizácie softvérových produktov v jazykovom páre slovenčina – angličtina/Localization of Software Products Specifics in the Slovak – English Language Pair.

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